Introducing xFantasy Parts I, II, III, and IV.

xFantasy is a system based on xStats that integrates hitters' xAVG, xOBP, and xISO in order to predict expected fantasy production (HR, R, RBI, SB, AVG). The underlying models are put together into an embedded "Triple Slash Converter" in Part 2. Part 3 compares the predictive value of xFantasy (and therefore xStats) vs. Steamer and historic stats, ultimately finding that for players under 26, xStats are indeed more predictive than Steamer.

First Published 12/22/16 Written by Ryan Brock

First Published 12/23/16 Written by Ryan Brock

First Published 1/21/17 Written by Ryan Brock


First Published 2/24/17 Written by Ryan Brock